Saturday, December 08, 2007

You can count on Red Planet

I have known Red Planet for a long time, longer than some other friends. We've been through those period, you know, when sorta hate each other's gut! But who bloody cares? that's what friendship is all about or else we will never be good friends until today. And I know for sure unintentionally in the future we will have differences our opinions and perceptions and temporarily hurt each other's feeling but, we will still be good friends no matter what.

I remember on his birthday after Red Planet blew the candles I gave Red Planet a hug.

"Rep Planet, sometimes I really hate you but the truth is I love you as a friend. But sometimes I hate you but I love you as a friend........".

I bet it's mutual!

Red Planet, thanks for your effort to get to see IH. Thanks also for opening the Malaysian Tatler's door a few months back and got my friend, CN's, works covered and published. You have been very supportive in my passions.....

It's Saturday night, I am joining KW with his date to enjoy whatever KLPAC has to offer....

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