Sunday, December 02, 2007

New Kid on the Block

Went to Kuala Terengganu recently to attend the Monsoon Cup dinner and to observe the race itself. But's that's another post all together.

I was rushing to the airport between Monsoon Cup race (I haven't a clue how it works!), Pura, Lunch with TPR and family and hotel check out (I left my apartment keys and phone charger, Dang!) and came back with the hotel face towel in my luggage (alamak!).

I was rushing the whole day.

So absent minded and very engrossed viewing the pics in my D200, I forgot to buckle up and switch off my hand phone. When the aircraft was circling  KLIA airspace to wait for it's turn to land, the phone went *briiink* - I received a message from KW reminding me about The Actors Studio comedy act. I switched it off immediately. 

In Kuala Terengganu earlier, despite the rush, I manage to swing by Pulau Duyong to capture the latest Terengganu landmark.

Masjid Kristal "floating" on  Sungai Terengganu.

It's beautiful. But, I doubt it's going to be efficiently utilized according the real purpose of a mosque. I have seen quite a lot of beautiful masjids but they are mostly empty except for Friday noon.

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