Monday, October 31, 2011

Spiritual Journey - Makkah and Madinah

This series of photos were shot (secretly) during my Umrah, a couple of years ago. All photos were capture by using my Nokia Communicator E90.

Masji AL Nabawi, also known as Masjid Nabi

Buka puasa was such a simple yet a fulfilling spiritual experience. Its amazing how more tahn 1 million people from different background, nationalities, social status can have proper buka puasa within10 minutes and the whole Masjid is ready for Maghrib prayer. And it's free.

Makkah is always busy, hectic and I felt the crowd. Madinah is peaceful, quiet and cooling. I love Madinah. I felt like I was on a holiday.

This scene is typical during Ramadhan. People reciting the Quran - throughout the day - and night.

The 5 item on the foreground is actually a stand for air Zam Zam

These are retractable roofs which is opened at night. The mechanical movements of the huge roof opens up to the sky.

The Raudah - where most prayers are answered by His Almighty.

The hotels - just a stone throw away from the Masjid

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