Thursday, January 29, 2009

pic: flowers from almond trees, Morocco.


Since the beginning of Facebook era I have personally noticed a couple of dramas being posted on digital walls, eventually throughout cyber-world.

I have status update of a couple who are having a fight.

I have seen, more often than not, people have use it as an escapism out of their frustration on their life, or in most cases, married life.

There all also Facebooker who wrote whatever they want on the wall without respecting ones privacy. This bunch are either not FB savvy, plain stupid or just insensitive.

I almost dropped a friend who wrote a remark on my picture in public, without considering my privacy. After a couple of emails of apologies, he is still my friend. I reckoned some people might have temporary lack of common sense after a weekend of heavy partying.

Admittedly, in my Facebook life, I have actually dropped a friend. Not so much privacy matters but more on matters pertaining to trust between close friends. I don’t consider a person who wrote something personal about my life and post it on the public note. To rub salt into the wound, some bias comment took place, out of the blue. I was pissed off, angry and disappointed.

Today, the table has turned.

Being sick, on antibiotics, I have been home.

Since I have all the time in the world, I explored my list of 200 odd Facebook friends in my profiles.

After running several search, I realized I got dropped by one of my “good friends”, whom I have known for at least 10 years, from her Facebook friends list.

I haven’t a clue why.

I was surprised, but I wasn’t sad.

I called up JJ:

Hey you know what? Ms XX dropped me from her Facebook.

JJ knows her very well.

JJ’s response was:

Let’s celebrate!

So we went for a nice lunch.

To think of it, I don’t’ think much about Ms XX. It’s her right to drop pr to add. When I t hink about it, I think I know why she dropped me and it is quite immature (for God’s sake you are going to be 40 this year!)

All I can say is:

But...... I am just an innocent bystander.

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