Sunday, June 02, 2013

Pak Sako

During my recent trip to Kuantan, I stumbled upon some old books at Hameed Brothers bookstore. This is probably the oldest book store in Kuantan.

They were getting rid of some old books which attracted my attention. I purchased, among others 2 copies of each of Pak Sako's books.

The owner wanted me to come back. She said, I called her Mrs Hameed, there are more upstairs in the attic.

That will be my mission during my next trip to Kuantan - ransacking Hameeds for old books.

It is going to be fun!

Back to Pak Sako books.

I just completed both books.

Catatan Pengalaman Pak Sako - Scribbles / notes of Pak Sako Experience.

Its about his experience being one of the tens of thousands prisoners of the Queen, arrested for political reason, without trial I think. The origin of ISA.

Its like a grandfather telling his personal stories to his cucu cicit (grand and great grandchildren). Very humble, yet extremely firm and yet gentle.

There is a deeper meaning to it. I sounds casual but his expression always refer to the greatness of God and also and wisdom in everyday life, in this case in the fight against the British. There were also "negative" thing he mentioned about homosexuality for example is like giving a passing remarks and yet, also to report that it did happen, as a-matter-of-factly.

Its the Malay thing. We are not direct people. We are not confrontational. Very gentle and refine. 


Thats is just us. HOWEVER, don't push as too hard. We will retaliate, demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara ;-)

I think more people need to read this sort of books. The old ones. About Merdeka. How we actually achieved it. The thousands of people arrested, jailed, killed before 1957. 

Unfortunately, there hardly any records not impression left today. Everything were distroyed totally, as is to erase it from history - like - I didn't happen. One of the detention centres was in Morib - which is now a golf course.

The sad thing is....

"Tetapi, di tepi jalan menuju ke Dewan Buluh Perindu dan terus ke pantai rekreasi Morib, ada satu batu peringatan yang mencatatkan pada sekian hari bulan, pada sekian tahun, pasukan pasukan tentera British telah naik di pantai Morib, ia itu pada akhir peperangan Asia Timur Raya, tidak lama sesudah bala tentera Jepun menyerah kalah."

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