Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME

Last year my birthday was a very memorable one. I was on the highest peak in South East Asia, watching the sun to rise on my very birthday.

With a bunch of wonderful friends we conquered the peak, together and the descends via Via Ferrata was out of this world. I was overwhelmed with all the blessing God has given me in my entire life. 
Oh well, it al about ME ME ME
This year I don’t want to get gift. In fact I want to give.
I have volunteered to photographs portraits of down syndrome at Kiwanis Foundation.
Just a little contribution for the community. Quite frankly I have not done enough and always forget to contribute.

Thank you Juju for reminding me since the past 2 years. We finally sat down, discussed and shot beautiful portraits of the lovely down syndrome kids.

It was a fun 2 day exercise and the products are being framed to be display during the open day of Kiwanis Foundation during World Down Syndrome Day on the 21st of March 2012 (next week).

I hope they like the photos.

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