Saturday, June 07, 2008


I am in Jakarta at the moment.

Having a great time, just for the weekend.

Met new friends, and what a small world, also met a bunch of Malaysians who were celebrating celebrating birthday at a cool jazz club - Black Cat.

The singer sang Antara Anyir dan Jakarta, popularized by Malaysia's very own Shelia Majid but actually was written by an Indonesian song writer Odie Agam (an Indonesian).

I think Antara Anyir dan Jakarta can be a Mal-Indo theme song to strengthen the relatioships of the two nations who are populated by predominantly "Malays" who originate from the same "rumpun".

But then again, I heard a comment by a friend whom I newly met (an Indonesian) who pointed out -

Why do Malaysians claim Rasa Sayang is theirs when its actually ours?

I have no iea how to handle this. I am very much out numbered here and the worse thing is, I don't even know the origin of the song even though I used to sing it since i was a kid, after I learned Tepuk Amai Amai.

Now, is Tepuk Amai Amai originated from Indonesia too?

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