Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spring-cleaning time! About time!

I have been upset (when I think about it) for a few weeks now.

Some people (yes, more than one) did not keep their words even on the basis of strong friendship – well I thought it was strong friendship to begin with.

I do realize circumstances can be a factor, at times, but some people are just not honest and sometimes they are just influenced, unintentionally I hope, by greed and jealousy.

Seriously, I do not need this kind of people in my life. I am glad it happened now rather than later.

What a way to start the New Year.

I agree with remarks given by one of my good friends:

"In life, sometimes, or from time to time, we need to look at the list of people including “friends” we have around us and do a bit of necessary spring-cleaning so that we can move forward, away from people who one day could drag us down with that kind of negative values they have in friendship."

I just could not agree more!


Anonymous said...

what do you mean by "friends"...

shemeq said...

I thought they were....

Anonymous said...

someone stab your back shemeq?
can u believe!!
someone stab my back and we become good friend now.
good friend- not "friend"

shemeq said...

oh well, I don't normally give a second chance when it involves trust.... wasting time. Life is definately better without these people...