my personal observation of the world from the top of my bike saddle, through the lens of my camera
(WARNING: my grammar and spellign SCUK!)
Click on the picture for larger view.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Cute Like SHEMEQ
I caught this little doggie walking along the beach. She reminded me of Shemeq with her dress that I bought from Chaktuchak a couple of years back. The “dress” is too small for Shemeq now. She’s grown big (not fat!)
She is one of Ao Nang beach happy residence.
Cute isn’t it?
I dedicate this post to Dr. G and LTK who have been contributing to animal welfare in Singapore and Malaysia and of course to all animal lovers out there.
so cute!!!
i should have taken the video and youtube it. you should se the way she walk.. like malu malu like that... ;-)
awww.. thanks. but dogs do look better naked. as some people do.. but that's another story..
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