Monday, March 12, 2007


I had the previledge to meet up with 2 professional photographers recently.

One of them used to work for Agence France-Presse and he is now an Editor At Large of one of the photography megazines.

Both were very down to earth people and very passionate about their work. It's great because they didn't make an amateur like me feel so small. They were very kind not to use much highly technical photography jargons during our coffee session.

Besides, they had no qualm to share their knowledge and experience with me and that is very valuable.

Like cycling (can't help but to compare), I notice there is a very fine line between passion and obsession. One thing for sure this is part of the "boys' toys" sorta thing.

Like cycling, it's not going to dent my wallet. Instead, it's going to rip my wallet apart! Scary because I can be quite compulsive when it come to spending in these sorta things.

I think one of the pros can help me (and other enthusiasts) to refine my photography skills driven by great passion.

One interesting point I gathered form the meeting.

I asked them, throughout their carreer or throughout their photography life, do they have one single photo which is the most favourite until today, only one. (Because it applies to me. The photo that I took in Paris Latin Quarter is still my favourite until today and it was shot using my Nikon F601M on film.)

Ther answer is YES, each of them has their very own fav pic and the photo is still their favourite, today!

Do you have any? Would you share with me?

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